
Well, after 3 days of carnage I made... this. Basically, I went here (thanks, Cowface Games!) and generated a random theme. Apparently, those themes were voted themes from previous Ludum Dares, so it appealed to me the idea of testing myself against what-could-have-been a possible dare theme. I wanted to give myself only 2 days, like in most cool and good dares, but after pondering it a bit I gave myself an extra day because I'm a spoiled brat, apparently! No, really, I'm pretty much a perfectionist and I knew that I could probably do it in 2 days but I would be punching myself in the face afterwards for not polishing the game enough. SOOOOOOOoooo... 3 days!

So, the theme given to me was "FLASHLIGHT". The first thing that came to my mind was Alan Wake, so I came up with the idea of the player only having a flashlight and enemies trying to eat the player, but a good old flash-in-the-face would stop the enemies right on their tracks. This meant that whichever environment I had to place this on, had to be very dark... so I went full dark! I set up the playing area, created the player and an enemy. The mechanics were fairly simple to implement once I moved past the first bump: lightning. Once I turned off the lights, the implementation of enemy AI and player movement was pretty straightforward.

Then came my first challenge: make a trigger out of the light cone. Thankfully, some kind soul made posted a function in Github that generates 3D Cones... and after a while of trial and error with the cone sizing, I managed to insert a cone mesh inside the light cone and violá! Problem solved!

I must admit that MOST of the time I wast carefully spent was doing all the texty stuff in the game. Man, I hate Coroutines, but this time they saved my life. Still, I'm looking forward using a 3rd party asset for UI management and Menu creation because enabling and disabling texts gets old very fast.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this game, leave a comment, pass it on to your friends, see who makes it out faster, etc.!

Oh, and remember:

H A V E   F U N .


InstallMe_SETUP.exe 21 MB
May 10, 2019

Get .Nyctophobia

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